Below is the reading schedule for Be True to Your School. The dates listed below are all Fridays.
Sept 4- complete January-February
Sept 11-complete March-May
Sept 18-complete June-August
Sept. 25-complete September-October
Oct. 2-complete November-December
Students may certainly read ahead. There will be weekly in-class responses and students may use their response journals to take the "quizzes."
The Response journal assignment window is below and students have co-constructed the assignment in class with Mrs. Tate.
Assignment Window
Course: English 11/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 28, 2009 Date Due: Listed on blog/calendar/homework hotline
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Three entries will be collected each Friday until the book is completed.
1 Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1 Questions that the book makes me think about
1 Ideas that I agree or disagree with
1 Favorite passages
1 Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1 Summary of ideas
1 Key word connections
1 Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1 Writerís Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
1 Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
English 9 Reading Response Journal
The reading response journal will be used throughout the year. Students co-constructed an assignment window in class, and we have been practicing responses in class. I will post response journal due dates after students select independent books in the library at the first of the week.
Assignment Window
Course: English 9/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 27 (3rd and 7th) August 28 (1st period)
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Ten entries will be collected twice each six weeks for a total of 20 entries per six weeks.
1. Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of one independent novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1. Questions that the book makes me think about
2. Ideas that I agree or disagree with
3. Favorite passages
4. Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1. Summary of ideas
2. Key word connections
3. Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1. Writer’s Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
2. Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Assignment Window
Course: English 9/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 27 (3rd and 7th) August 28 (1st period)
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Ten entries will be collected twice each six weeks for a total of 20 entries per six weeks.
1. Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of one independent novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1. Questions that the book makes me think about
2. Ideas that I agree or disagree with
3. Favorite passages
4. Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1. Summary of ideas
2. Key word connections
3. Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1. Writer’s Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
2. Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1.Friday, August 28-Isolation Activity
2.Tuesday, September 1-CD of Life
3. Thursday, September 3-Practice exam completed (should take only about an hour) and write answers on your own paper
4. Thursday, September 10-Complete The Road. Reading instructions will be given in class on Friday, August 28.
2.Tuesday, September 1-CD of Life
3. Thursday, September 3-Practice exam completed (should take only about an hour) and write answers on your own paper
4. Thursday, September 10-Complete The Road. Reading instructions will be given in class on Friday, August 28.
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Welcome to Mrs. Tate's English Class. On this site, I will post information pertinent to the 2009-2010 school year. We'll try to include class assignments, projects and activities in progress, as well as announcements of upcoming dates and events. Class assignments will be labeled by date and subject, so read and reread carefully. I won't necessarily post daily, but all major assignments, their criteria, and due dates will appear here as well as in the classroom. I am experimenting with another way of keeping students, parents and interested folks informed. Suggestions for improvement are appreciated.
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