Below is the reading schedule for Be True to Your School. The dates listed below are all Fridays.
Sept 4- complete January-February
Sept 11-complete March-May
Sept 18-complete June-August
Sept. 25-complete September-October
Oct. 2-complete November-December
Students may certainly read ahead. There will be weekly in-class responses and students may use their response journals to take the "quizzes."
The Response journal assignment window is below and students have co-constructed the assignment in class with Mrs. Tate.
Assignment Window
Course: English 11/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 28, 2009 Date Due: Listed on blog/calendar/homework hotline
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Three entries will be collected each Friday until the book is completed.
1 Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1 Questions that the book makes me think about
1 Ideas that I agree or disagree with
1 Favorite passages
1 Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1 Summary of ideas
1 Key word connections
1 Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1 Writerís Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
1 Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies