Assignment Window
English 11 Portfolio
Date Given: September 1 Date Due: October 6
Directions: 1. Each six weeks, we will select one school-related, one personal and one choice item to put in the scrapbook. 2. Students will write a paragraph explaining the significance/importance of each entry.
Options: Students may include pictures, programs, wrapping paper, tickets, car parts, sticks, salt packets, flowers, etc. Any item that will stick in a scrapbook can be included to represent a particular event.
Grading Criteria: Students will earn 100 points for completing three items each six weeks with an accompanying explanation.
Goal: To have three portfolio items to share each six weeks.
Isolation Activity- have list for class on Thursday, September 3
Flipping through the Daily News-Record looking for a job, you are surprised to find an ad that reads: Wanted: Subjects for University of Virginia Behavioral Sciences Study, $3000.00 for 60 days. Call 804-IAM-GAME for more information.
You make the call and commit to embark on the most challenging experience in your life,spending two months alone in an isolated cabin the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Two months doesn't seem impossible, but the clincher is that you may not have any contact with other people or animals, and you may only bring a few nonessential items for your enjoyment. You may bring
1 Two CD's-No mixes of your own choosing.
1 Two books
1 Two movies
1 Two magazines
1 One other nonessential item of your choice (This may not be internet access).
You will be provided with electronic equipment to use your CDís and movies, as well as adequate food and drink. Make a list of what you will take with you when limited to these items.