Literature Circle Assignment-Each group has selected page numbers to be completed for Wednesday.
Date Given: December 1 Dates Due: Dec. 9 _________
Dec. 17 _________
Jan. 6 __________
1. Each student has selected a book for participation in the literature circle.
2. Each group reading the same book will meet and determine the number pages to read for the due dates listed above. Students should write to what page they need to read beside each date.
3. Students are to read the pages determined by his/her group and complete their journals choosing questions from the attached page to answer. Each journal entry should average one page.
4. Students need to complete five journal entries for each time their literature circle meets. This will be a total of 15 entries by January 6. These entries are the only ones that will be collected this six weeks. Students do not need to write additional journals for independent reading for the third six weeks.
Students have selected individual books from multiple choices provided in class.
Grading Criteria
1. Journals are worth 50 points total and will be collected following each literature circle discussion. They will be graded on whether they answer one of the attached questions specifically and thoughtfully. Spelling and grammar will not be scored on the journals. Their intention is to show reflection about what has been read.
2. Students will also score each other on their participation in the literature circle. This will include whether their classmates came prepared, talked seriously during the discussion, and were attentive to classmates.
Students should have novels and journals in class each day and in the literature circle.
Literature Circle Journal Response Choices
Write an entry about any of the following topics in your journal. Remember, you have five journal entries due for each literature circle meeting. You may repeat questions if you have different answers based on wher you are in the book.
1. Describe your feelings about the characters. Use specific examples from the book to explain yourself.
2. Copy down an excerpt from the book and explain why you think it’s meaningful.
3. Describe your favorite part. Explain your response.
4. Tell how you would react if you were one of the characters in the story.
5. Describe a part of the book that surprised you and explain why.
6. Does the author use any strong imagery in the story (similes, metaphors, etc)? Give examples.
7. Do any of the characters change in the story? what causes them to change?
8. Would you like to read something else by this author? Why or why not?
9. How are you different from one of the characters? Explain.
10. How might the story be different if it had happened somewhere else or in a different time period?
11. Was there a character you didn’t like? Why?
12. What was the theme or the author’s message? What events helped you figure this out?
13. What’s the best part of the story (so far)?
14. Develop your own questions based on one of the following starts, and then answer it…
What if….?
How did…?
What caused…
How would you feel if you…?
Why do you think…?
Why did…?
What would happen if…?
What might…?
What character traits describe _________________?
Why is…?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
English 9 Life Journey Map Reminder/Response Journals
Life Journey Maps are due on Monday, November 9.
Response Journals are due on Monday, November 23
Response Journals are due on Monday, November 23
AP Definition of tragedy

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
English 11 Letters About Literature Assignment
You are to write a letter to the author of your independent novel. This letter will be due on Tuesday, December 1. It should be typed and double-spaced. It should be no less than 500 words, but no more than 800 words.
Consider one or more of these questions when writing your letter:
Did the characters, conflict or setting mirror your life in some way?
What strengths or flaws do you share with a character or characters in the book?
What did the book show you about your world that you never noticed before?
What surprised you about yourself while you were reading this book?
Why was this work meaningful to you?
As you were reading, what did you remember about yourself or something you experienced in the past?
How did the book's characters or theme help you to understand that past experience?
Your letter need not -- and in fact, should not -- answer every one of the questions above. The questions are just prewriting prompts to get you to start reflecting (or thinking).
Your letter will be graded on the following: Content (the writer addresses the theme) Writer's Voice (originality of expression and style) Exposition (the writer's use of language skills, organization and grammar)
Consider one or more of these questions when writing your letter:
Did the characters, conflict or setting mirror your life in some way?
What strengths or flaws do you share with a character or characters in the book?
What did the book show you about your world that you never noticed before?
What surprised you about yourself while you were reading this book?
Why was this work meaningful to you?
As you were reading, what did you remember about yourself or something you experienced in the past?
How did the book's characters or theme help you to understand that past experience?
Your letter need not -- and in fact, should not -- answer every one of the questions above. The questions are just prewriting prompts to get you to start reflecting (or thinking).
Your letter will be graded on the following: Content (the writer addresses the theme) Writer's Voice (originality of expression and style) Exposition (the writer's use of language skills, organization and grammar)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
English 11 Students-In School Field trp on Poe
Students will have the opportunity to participate in a videoconference entitled "Haunted Poe," as part of our study of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories and poems. This is part of our participation in the Big Read. The conference will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 12:45-2:15.
English 9 Life Journey Map/In-School field trip
The Life Journey Map is due on Monday, November 9 rather than the previously stated Friday, November 6. Students who have completed it by Friday may certainly turn it in early.
There will be an in-school field trip for all my classes on Thursday, November 5 from 12:45-2:15. The students will participate in a videoconference titled, "Haunted Poe." This is part of our participation in the Big Read and our study of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories and poems.
There will be an in-school field trip for all my classes on Thursday, November 5 from 12:45-2:15. The students will participate in a videoconference titled, "Haunted Poe." This is part of our participation in the Big Read and our study of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories and poems.
Monday, October 26, 2009
English 9 Response Journal/Life Journey Map
1. Reading response journals are due on Thursday, October 29. (10 entries averaging a page each)
2. Life Journey maps are due on Friday, November 6. Students have the rubric and instructions for grading.
2. Life Journey maps are due on Friday, November 6. Students have the rubric and instructions for grading.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
AP English Philosophy Essay Assignment-Due October 26
Philosophy essay assignment
Select one of the philosophies –
Rosseau and Naturalism,
Descartes and Self-Questioning,
Voltaire and Skepticism,
Emerson and Individualism,
Bergson and Subjectivity,
Derrida and Deconstructionism,
Kierkegaard and Self-Determination
which is most closely aligned with your belief system. Write an essay explaining how your own identity, actions and ideas reflect that philosophy. Make sure that you use specific events and actions from your own life to show this connection.
Select one of the philosophies –
Rosseau and Naturalism,
Descartes and Self-Questioning,
Voltaire and Skepticism,
Emerson and Individualism,
Bergson and Subjectivity,
Derrida and Deconstructionism,
Kierkegaard and Self-Determination
which is most closely aligned with your belief system. Write an essay explaining how your own identity, actions and ideas reflect that philosophy. Make sure that you use specific events and actions from your own life to show this connection.
Friday, October 9, 2009
English 9-2nd Six Weeks Response Journal due dates
Response Journals are due for the second six weeks on
October 29 and November 23.
The assignment is the same as the first six weeks and as listed previously on the blog.
October 29 and November 23.
The assignment is the same as the first six weeks and as listed previously on the blog.
Monday, September 28, 2009
AP English Reminders
1. Philosophy Club Presentations are on Wednesday, September 30.
2. Workday on Friday for reading or working on poetry journals.
3. Tuesday, October 6 (Counseling)
4. Thursday, October 8 -College essay drafts are due for revision and conference
2. Workday on Friday for reading or working on poetry journals.
3. Tuesday, October 6 (Counseling)
4. Thursday, October 8 -College essay drafts are due for revision and conference
English 11 Reminders
1. Be True to Your School response journals (June-August) are due on Friday, October 2.
2. "Coming of Age" imovies are due on Monday, October 5. Mrs. Tate will be here after school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 28-30 until 4:30 for students who need additional worktime.
3. Portfolios are due on Tuesday, October 6 (as previously posted). They should include one school-related, one personal and one item of choice.
Each of these assignments is a major grade and could drastically change averages if not done or left incomplete.
2. "Coming of Age" imovies are due on Monday, October 5. Mrs. Tate will be here after school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 28-30 until 4:30 for students who need additional worktime.
3. Portfolios are due on Tuesday, October 6 (as previously posted). They should include one school-related, one personal and one item of choice.
Each of these assignments is a major grade and could drastically change averages if not done or left incomplete.
English 9 Reading Response Journal
Final Response Journals for the six weeks are due on Thursday, October 1 (as posted previously).
Friday, September 25, 2009
English 9 Reading Response Journal
Response journals are due on Thursday, October 1 (10 entries, averaging one page each). See previous post from beginning of six weeks if you need specific detail.
English 11
1. iMovies are due on Monday, October 5. Mrs. Tate will stay after school on Monday-Wednesday, September 28-30 until 4:30 if people need additional time.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
AP English
1. College/scholarship essay drafts due on October 8. Have one solid essay that you need to prepare.
2. Reminder that poetry journals are due October 14 and Crime and Punishment is due October 16.
3. Counseling will be here October 6 to discuss college application issues.
4. Workday for reading and poetry journals in-class on October 2.
5. Philosophy presentations on September 30.
2. Reminder that poetry journals are due October 14 and Crime and Punishment is due October 16.
3. Counseling will be here October 6 to discuss college application issues.
4. Workday for reading and poetry journals in-class on October 2.
5. Philosophy presentations on September 30.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Midterm grades can be checked online with student information distributed at registration. I am going over midterm grades with all students today (Monday, September 21) and tomorrow (Tuesday, September 22). Please make sure that you check periodically if you have concerns about your son/daughter's progress. If you have questions that your son/daughter cannot answer, please contact me through e-mail or by phone.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
English 11
1. You should be reading Be True to Your School for Friday (June-August). Complete 3 response journals.
2. Remember that portfolios are due on October 6. Make sure that you're coming up with a school-related, personal and choice item to include.
2. Remember that portfolios are due on October 6. Make sure that you're coming up with a school-related, personal and choice item to include.
English 12AP
1. Complete reading, "Mozart's Childhood," for class on Friday. "Think tank" comments all over the text.
2. Pick a partner for the Philosophy Club. Start thinking about which philosopher/philosophy that you'd like to research.
3. Continue working on your poetry journal (due October 14) and reading Crime and Punishment (Oct 16). In Crime and Punishment, you should be looking for the author's philosophy and marking those ideas reflected in the text.
2. Pick a partner for the Philosophy Club. Start thinking about which philosopher/philosophy that you'd like to research.
3. Continue working on your poetry journal (due October 14) and reading Crime and Punishment (Oct 16). In Crime and Punishment, you should be looking for the author's philosophy and marking those ideas reflected in the text.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
English 11
1. Read Mar-May for Friday with 3 response journals.
2. Make sure that you have your first draft of your Who Am I? poem complete.
1. Change 5 words/using specific or vivid language
2. Make one line a snapshot
3. one example figurative language/a simile, metaphor or personification
2. Make sure that you have your first draft of your Who Am I? poem complete.
1. Change 5 words/using specific or vivid language
2. Make one line a snapshot
3. one example figurative language/a simile, metaphor or personification
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
English 9 Reminders
Collages are due on Wednesday.
3rd and 7th period get school pictures taken on Wednesday.
3rd and 7th period get school pictures taken on Wednesday.
Friday, September 4, 2009
English 11 Reminder
Students participating in history field trip-don't forget to make-up the Be True to Your School quiz and turn in reading responses.
English 9 Homework/Reminders
1. Continue reading and writing responses in reading response journals due on September 15.
2. If not finished in class, complete Romare Beardon-inspired collages to turn in on Wednesday, September 9.
2. If not finished in class, complete Romare Beardon-inspired collages to turn in on Wednesday, September 9.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
English 9 Response Journals-Due dates for 1st six weeks
English 9 Reading response journals are due on September 15 and October 1. See previously posted assignment for grading criteria and instructions.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Assignment Window
English 11 Portfolio
Date Given: September 1 Date Due: October 6
Directions: 1. Each six weeks, we will select one school-related, one personal and one choice item to put in the scrapbook. 2. Students will write a paragraph explaining the significance/importance of each entry.
Options: Students may include pictures, programs, wrapping paper, tickets, car parts, sticks, salt packets, flowers, etc. Any item that will stick in a scrapbook can be included to represent a particular event.
Grading Criteria: Students will earn 100 points for completing three items each six weeks with an accompanying explanation.
Goal: To have three portfolio items to share each six weeks.
Isolation Activity- have list for class on Thursday, September 3
Flipping through the Daily News-Record looking for a job, you are surprised to find an ad that reads: Wanted: Subjects for University of Virginia Behavioral Sciences Study, $3000.00 for 60 days. Call 804-IAM-GAME for more information.
You make the call and commit to embark on the most challenging experience in your life,spending two months alone in an isolated cabin the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Two months doesn't seem impossible, but the clincher is that you may not have any contact with other people or animals, and you may only bring a few nonessential items for your enjoyment. You may bring
1 Two CD's-No mixes of your own choosing.
1 Two books
1 Two movies
1 Two magazines
1 One other nonessential item of your choice (This may not be internet access).
You will be provided with electronic equipment to use your CDís and movies, as well as adequate food and drink. Make a list of what you will take with you when limited to these items.
English 11 Portfolio
Date Given: September 1 Date Due: October 6
Directions: 1. Each six weeks, we will select one school-related, one personal and one choice item to put in the scrapbook. 2. Students will write a paragraph explaining the significance/importance of each entry.
Options: Students may include pictures, programs, wrapping paper, tickets, car parts, sticks, salt packets, flowers, etc. Any item that will stick in a scrapbook can be included to represent a particular event.
Grading Criteria: Students will earn 100 points for completing three items each six weeks with an accompanying explanation.
Goal: To have three portfolio items to share each six weeks.
Isolation Activity- have list for class on Thursday, September 3
Flipping through the Daily News-Record looking for a job, you are surprised to find an ad that reads: Wanted: Subjects for University of Virginia Behavioral Sciences Study, $3000.00 for 60 days. Call 804-IAM-GAME for more information.
You make the call and commit to embark on the most challenging experience in your life,spending two months alone in an isolated cabin the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Two months doesn't seem impossible, but the clincher is that you may not have any contact with other people or animals, and you may only bring a few nonessential items for your enjoyment. You may bring
1 Two CD's-No mixes of your own choosing.
1 Two books
1 Two movies
1 Two magazines
1 One other nonessential item of your choice (This may not be internet access).
You will be provided with electronic equipment to use your CDís and movies, as well as adequate food and drink. Make a list of what you will take with you when limited to these items.
Friday, August 28, 2009
English 11 Be True to Your School Reading Assignment
Below is the reading schedule for Be True to Your School. The dates listed below are all Fridays.
Sept 4- complete January-February
Sept 11-complete March-May
Sept 18-complete June-August
Sept. 25-complete September-October
Oct. 2-complete November-December
Students may certainly read ahead. There will be weekly in-class responses and students may use their response journals to take the "quizzes."
The Response journal assignment window is below and students have co-constructed the assignment in class with Mrs. Tate.
Assignment Window
Course: English 11/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 28, 2009 Date Due: Listed on blog/calendar/homework hotline
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Three entries will be collected each Friday until the book is completed.
1 Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1 Questions that the book makes me think about
1 Ideas that I agree or disagree with
1 Favorite passages
1 Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1 Summary of ideas
1 Key word connections
1 Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1 Writerís Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
1 Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Sept 4- complete January-February
Sept 11-complete March-May
Sept 18-complete June-August
Sept. 25-complete September-October
Oct. 2-complete November-December
Students may certainly read ahead. There will be weekly in-class responses and students may use their response journals to take the "quizzes."
The Response journal assignment window is below and students have co-constructed the assignment in class with Mrs. Tate.
Assignment Window
Course: English 11/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 28, 2009 Date Due: Listed on blog/calendar/homework hotline
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Three entries will be collected each Friday until the book is completed.
1 Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1 Questions that the book makes me think about
1 Ideas that I agree or disagree with
1 Favorite passages
1 Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1 Summary of ideas
1 Key word connections
1 Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1 Writerís Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
1 Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Thursday, August 27, 2009
English 9 Reading Response Journal
The reading response journal will be used throughout the year. Students co-constructed an assignment window in class, and we have been practicing responses in class. I will post response journal due dates after students select independent books in the library at the first of the week.
Assignment Window
Course: English 9/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 27 (3rd and 7th) August 28 (1st period)
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Ten entries will be collected twice each six weeks for a total of 20 entries per six weeks.
1. Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of one independent novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1. Questions that the book makes me think about
2. Ideas that I agree or disagree with
3. Favorite passages
4. Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1. Summary of ideas
2. Key word connections
3. Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1. Writer’s Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
2. Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Assignment Window
Course: English 9/Reading Response Journal
Date Given: August 27 (3rd and 7th) August 28 (1st period)
1. Write an excerpt from the book (and its page number) in the journal which makes a text to self, test to text, or text to world connection. 2. Respond in the journal to the excerpt.
Grading Criteria:
1. Each journal entry should average one page (front). 2. Ten entries will be collected twice each six weeks for a total of 20 entries per six weeks.
1. Use composition book for the journal 2. Keep a list of books read during the year at the front of the journal.
Goal: To read a minimum of one independent novel per six weeks
Text to Self Suggestions:
1. Questions that the book makes me think about
2. Ideas that I agree or disagree with
3. Favorite passages
4. Connections to my life
Text to World Suggestions:
1. Summary of ideas
2. Key word connections
3. Applications to current or historic events
Text to Text Suggestions
1. Writer’s Style-use of literary devices, tone, or word choice
2. Similarity to other books, TV shows, or movies
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1.Friday, August 28-Isolation Activity
2.Tuesday, September 1-CD of Life
3. Thursday, September 3-Practice exam completed (should take only about an hour) and write answers on your own paper
4. Thursday, September 10-Complete The Road. Reading instructions will be given in class on Friday, August 28.
2.Tuesday, September 1-CD of Life
3. Thursday, September 3-Practice exam completed (should take only about an hour) and write answers on your own paper
4. Thursday, September 10-Complete The Road. Reading instructions will be given in class on Friday, August 28.
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Welcome to Mrs. Tate's English Class. On this site, I will post information pertinent to the 2009-2010 school year. We'll try to include class assignments, projects and activities in progress, as well as announcements of upcoming dates and events. Class assignments will be labeled by date and subject, so read and reread carefully. I won't necessarily post daily, but all major assignments, their criteria, and due dates will appear here as well as in the classroom. I am experimenting with another way of keeping students, parents and interested folks informed. Suggestions for improvement are appreciated.
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